Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Microprocessor Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Microprocessor Industry - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that Intel has a competitive advantage creating its brand image; a point that effects from numerous competitive advantages indulging technological, distribution marketing as well as the ownership of Intel manufactures PCs. However, to improve on their value Intel is trying to keep their clients as their priority and promote dynamics on a regular basis to meet the demand of the employers. Product penetration and market penetration is very instrumental as they center on the existing markets. Moreover, relevant diversification for Intel will be a huge triumph especially as they have centered on broadband and portion. In conclusion, Intel has been very instrumental in the microprocessor industry and might have had some lapses last year that it is never too late to correct. The researcher thinks the company should put the customer’s interests at heart to make more sales and avoid what had happened last year when the world was going tablets. This report will analyze the business strategy of Intel Company looking into details at its resources and capabilities. It will also look into the Critical appraisal where the author compares the Intel’s business strategy to the success factors in this industry. The semi-conductor industry lives and perishes- by a simple creed: smaller, cheaper and faster. The advantage of being tiny is simple: finer lines insinuate more transistors can be fixed onto the same chip. The more the number of transistors on the chip the more efficient it is. Thanks in the large chunk to the competition and to new technologies that reduce the cost of production per chip, in just months; the price of a new chip can fall to 50%. As a result, there is a constant pressure exerted on the chipmakers, to improve their chips and come up with something better and more pocket-friendly than what redefined state-of-the-art a few months ago.

Monday, October 28, 2019

White people Essay Example for Free

White people Essay Use the following as a guide. The test covers chapter’s 1-3 plus any supplementary articles or documentaries that were required. This is only a guide. Remember that since this is an open book test, ANY question pertaining to the readings could show up. Be sure to have read thoroughly before beginning the test. Please note that starred items could be included as possible short essays (requiring a 1-2 paragraph response). I also suggest that you go over the discussions as well. Questions pertaining to ideas in the discussions may be included. Chapter 1: Minority group – a subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their own lives than do the members of a dominant or majority group. The five characteristics of a minority or subordinate group are unequal treatment, distinguishing physical or cultural traits, involuntary membership, awareness of subordination, and in-group marriage. *Racial and ethnic groups†¦Why the distinction? A racial group is a group that is socially set apart because of obvious physical differences. Each society defines what would be considered the obvious physical differences. We know for certain one of the most obvious is skin color. Here in our country, we basically use black and white as the color distinction. Other countries use a different distinction because, for example, in one culture, most individuals may be classified as black but they may be various shades of black which is where the racial difference occurs. In the US, many smaller clusters of individuals are categorized as ethnic area which holds a specific ethnic group. For example, South Brunswick has a large Indian population which is to say, Indian’s make up a large ethnic group within the township. New Brunswick could be another example as there is a large community of Hispanics within the town. Whereas the term racial group is primarily used to discuss minorities, the term ethnic group is used to discuss a group of individuals of the same race. Also, racial groups are defined by their physical differences and ethnic groups are defined by their cultures. Using these definitions there is clearly a distinction between the two terms. Why this distinction exists is probably so that society can categorize the individuals they are discussing. What is important is that racial groups are inherently who a person is so although it may be hidden or changed at times based on the individual, a person’s race is who they are. In contrast, an ethnic group can be a group of racial similar people or even religiously similar. So sometimes, an ethnic group can be chosen. *WEB DuBois: The problem of the color line and double consciousness W. E. B. DuBois was an African American sociologist who received a doctorate degree from Harvard and is considered the first black individual to do so. From our text we learn that he was instrumental in the organization of the NAACP which is a prominent organization designed to support the black individuals of society. (Schaefer pg 8). DuBois played a large role in opening up opinions to the disparities and discriminations of the black individuals of our society. Dubois says so very eloquently, â€Å"Let not color or race be a feature of distinction between White and Black men, regardless of worth or ability†¦,† (Schaefer pg 9). When DuBois speaks of color line, he is discussing the differences of races in regards to their color and other physical characteristics. From what I can interpret, DuBois may have developed the term double consciousness when referring to how people see themselves through others eyes. Also, what they see is how they measure their self worth in the grand scheme of society. * Does Race Matter? (p. 10 begin) and the social construction of race Our text answers this question by saying, â€Å"No, but because so many people have for so long acted as if difference in physical characteristics as well as geographic origin and shared culture do matter, distinct groups have been created in people’s minds. † (Schaefer pg 10). Social construction is a sociological term used to describe what opinions society places on particular subjects. In this case, the social construction of race refers to not what a person’s race is but how society perceives the races. â€Å"Race is a social construction, and this process benefits the oppressor, who defines who is privileged and who is not,† (Schaefer pg 12). Basically, we all know there are numerous races that make up our culture but what determines which is the dominate race? It is argued that people in power make those determinations so they are telling everyone which race is superior to the other. Because of these opinions and social construction, yes, race is important. Race could be the difference between success and failure. Our society has not evolved enough to treat all races equally even though our forefathers determined that we all are equal. *Although we learn in grade school to salute the merits of living in the great â€Å"melting pot,† true cultural pluralism has always been more of an ideal than a reality†¦In the U. S. and globally. Explain why by identifying and giving examples of the following patterns of intergroup contact: genocide, expulsion, secession, segregation, amalgamation, assimilation, and pluralism. â€Å"Pluralism implies that various groups in a society have mutual respect for one another’s culture, a respect that allows minorities to express their own culture without suffering prejudice or discrimination,† (Schaefer pg 25). Our text describes this term as an â€Å"ideal† meaning that it is something our society hopes to be able to practice amongst all individuals. However, it is quick to note that it should be more like a â€Å"reality† in the sense that it is something that society is obligated to believe in, (Schaefer pg 26). It can definitely be seen as a conflict within society as individuals may be forced to make opinions based on what is right versus what they may have been taught to believe all their lives. The US is truly a â€Å"melting pot† meaning a society with a variety of cultures and races that make up the whole. Because of this, we have an obligation to respect every different culture as well as every race. Social construction tends to make this a difficult goal to obtain but there are many organizations in place which try to make these gaps smaller. There are many advantages to integrating one culture into another. For example, in my hometown, many of us love to eat sushi. With the uprising of this wonderful food choice, those that are not Asian have been able to dive into the culture through a wonderful eating experience. Another example could be many of the courses offered here at Rutgers. There are courses in Russian literature and Chinese film for example. I would imagine that a large portion of the participants may have some cultural interest but there are many that take these types of classes just to broaden their own experiences. These types of classes could help in making the gap smaller between cultures and could help to improve cultural pluralism. Chapter 2: Ethnocentrism – or the tendency to assume that one’s culture and way of life are superior to all others. This is a form of prejudice and would result in discrimination. Our text describes this (pg34) as a motivating factor behind some criminal acts. *Prejudice and Discrimination – Prejudice is a negative attitude toward an entire category of people. For example, the Klu Klux Klan who we were exposed to in the CP Ellis story was extremely prejudice against blacks. Another example would be Nazi germany and Hitler’s prejudice again jewish people. Showing both of these examples also give us a look at some of the most horrendous hate crimes in human history. Discrimination is the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or for other arbitrary reasons. Whereas prejudice is an attitude, discrimination is an action. For example, if someone says they don’t like a person because they are black, that is prejudice. If that same person refuses to allow the black individual into their restaurant, that is discrimination. Our society has had some severe cases of both of these and we are still struggling to overcome some of the cruelties of the past. Unfortunately, these actions didn’t die off in the past, I think they have just become less obvious. Merton and LaPiere Studies – Robert Merton showed that prejudice and discrimination are related to each other but are not the same. He gives 4 types of people when discussing this issue and they are, â€Å"unprejudiced nondiscriminatory (all weather liberal), unprejudiced discriminator (reluctant liberal), prejudiced nondiscriminatory (timid bigot), and prejudiced discriminator (all weather bigot),† (Schaefer pg 36). I can immediately tell from the descriptions that the final one would be the most severe because the implications to the term show that this individual is always in a mode that is highly discriminatory. I would agree with these categories mostly based on personal observations and knowing some people that do have tendencies to be discriminatory. Merton’s is saying that not all individuals’ personal opinions and attitudes toward other should be construed as negative behavior as well. The LaPiere study was about half a century ago and â€Å"exposed the relationship between racial attitudes and social conduct,† (Schaefer pg 37). What LaPiere did was travel with a Chinese couple and observes if the racial attitudes he expected or were historically evident actually occurred. His conclusion was that it wasn’t apparent all the time. This could show that people tend to be polite in person but what they say or do in private is another situation. *Theories of prejudice: Scapegoating theory, Authoritarian Personality, Exploitation theory, Normative approach – Scapegoating says that prejudiced people believe they are society’s victims. They blame what bad things happen to them or other misfortunes on people of a different race. Again, the CP Ellis story we read later our lessons was a perfect example. CP Ellis felt he was given a very hard life and has suffered not only with personal troubles but also money issues. He wanted to blame someone and his association with his father and the Klan made it easy for him to blame the blacks. Authoritarian Personality is â€Å"a psychological construct of a personality type likely to be prejudiced and to use others as scapegoats,† (Schaefer pg 39). So, using the same previous example, it could be said the CP Ellis’ suffers from authoritarian personality because his actions of using the blacks as scapegoats. Exploitation theory is, â€Å"a Marxist theory that views racial subordination in the US as a manifestation of the class system inherent in capitalism,† (Schaefer pg 39). It is to say that in the jungle there is a food chain, the lion eats the rabbit that eats the mice, etc. Within current society, it is expected that there are different classes of individuals and some who will say this is a necessary part of life. It is unfortunate that sometimes this class system reflects on a specific racial group. The normative approach is, â€Å"the view that prejudice is influenced by societal norms and situations that encourage or discourage the tolerance of minorities,† (Schaefer pg 40). This is a very important concept because it shows that a lot of the actions and opinions of people that are discriminatory get that way because they are taught that or they grow up in an atmosphere of prejudice. Again, CP Ellis grew up with a Klan father so it was only natural that he developed some of these tendencies as well. What is even more significant is being able to recognize all these theories and to combat their existence with education. Some individuals may be beyond help but many can learn to change given the right education. Stereotypes and Racial Profiling – Stereotypes are unreliable generalizations about all members of a group that do not take individual differences into account. For example, Hitler did not care how much or little Jewish heritage an individual had when he systematically exterminated millions, he only cared that a drop of Jewish blood ran through their veins. He didn’t care about the persons contributions to society or their intelligence. Part of this concept of stereotyping is a term called racial profiling which is any arbitrary police initiated action based on race, ethnicity, or natural origin rather than a person’s belief. We see many news reports about this very subject where police use unnecessary force or violence just because of a person’s race. A â€Å"post racial† era? Color-blind racism – Color-blind racism refers to the use of race-neutral principles to defend the racially unequal status quo. One example the book gives is how Asian’s are rarely used in feature films except where martial arts is also highlighted. Postracialism is a common theme and is another tem used to describe color-blind racism. Other terms are laissez-faire and aversive racism. *Reducing prejudice (p. 48 begin) – The question remains after all these discussions, can prejudice be reduced? Our text suggests many different ways in which it is possible to treat and educate those who practice prejudicial attitudes. For example, education, mass media, avoidance versus friendship, and corporate response (diversity training). The education portion of reducing prejudice would be in the form of programs and conferences designed at teaching people what to look for, ways to combat the situations and additional training that could be passed on. For example, we viewed the video about Jane Eliott’s school. Her program with small children appears to be groundbreaking and based on the follow up with the student’s years later, also successful. Another important tool is mass media. For example, in my previous women study classes I was exposed to the way the media shows women. There are a excessive amount of commercials featuring women as the cook, cleaner, and childcare provider however very limited showing a man in the same roles. There have been advances however and our text discusses one such TV show called The Cosby’s which had a huge television audience which included all races, not just black as all the characters on the show were, (Schaefer pg 49). The next area is avoidance versus friendship. This discusses the social distance scale by Robert Park and Ernest Burgess which â€Å"asks people how willing they would be to interact with various racial and ethnic groups in specified social situations,† (Schaefer pg 51). The importance of this study is to show the patterns that become evident particularly within the White American and Europeans. This is an example of the Social Distance Scale. There was another scale mentioned called the Equal Status Contact which states, â€Å"intergroup contact between people of equal status in harmonious circumstances will cause them to become less prejudiced and to abandon previously held stereotypes,† (Schaefer pgs 51-52). Therefore, by incorporating more fun and interesting activities that are not racially motivated, the pattern of prejudice could be learned to be reduced. What do you think about Jane Eliott’s efforts at reducing prejudice (presented in the documentary A Class Divided)? What are the strengths and weaknesses of her methods? What else might you suggest? Jane Elliott’s efforts in the documentary we watched for class should be applauded. It was interesting to note that the town where Jane worked as a teacher was primarily white Christian and to this day, that status hasn’t changed much. However, Jane continues to give her lesson on prejudice and it appears to be particularly helpful. When the students of one class were interviewed years later after watching themselves in the documentary, it was fascinating to see how emotional they were. Even years later, the lesson was felt very deeply. The strengths would be the instant feelings of rejection on the children. But the weakness could be that they may recognize it is not a real situation. Also, if the lessons taught are not encouraged at home or within their community, it may not make a difference. Although starting young is particularly important, I would propose all family members be exposed to the lesson. The documentary mentioned how the concepts used were taken into the work force within a conference type atmosphere. Although adults do react the same, I personally do not see the impact as much as I did with the small children. That may be because as we get older, we get tougher in our emotions and it could be hard to break old habits. Chapter 3: *Total discrimination – â€Å"Discrimination is the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or for other arbitrary reasons,† (Schaefer pg 61). I think in the US we recognize that there is discrimination but many choose to believe that they are incapable of it or that it is not as horrible as people may make it out to be. Total discrimination is a more recent concept which is, â€Å"current discrimination operating in the labor market and past discrimination,† (Schaefer pg 62). It is saying that because of particular items in a person’s past like education and social status, individuals are discriminated against in the work place. That discrimination can show itself in such areas as hiring, advancement and even pay scales. It is not something that is randomly made up but an actual occurrence. For example, someone who was not provided a decent education because of their social status or ethnic group would have difficulty finding advanced employment. In current day, employers won’t even look at a person unless they have a full four year degree or higher. Many individuals just aren’t able to take advantage of that type of education. Hate Crimes – when a victim is selected because of certain characteristics such as race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. We see numerous hate crimes in the news almost daily. The Rutgers campus recently became a focal point of a perceived hate crime when Tyler Clementi, a student at Rutgers, committed suicide after his roommates posted him in gay videos. *Institutional discrimination (Why is institutional discrimination considered more important than the everyday discrimination of individuals? ) – This form of discrimination â€Å"is the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups that result from the normal operations of society,† (Schaefer pg 65). This is particularly important because it goes to the root of functioning as an average human being within society. One example mentioned is that IQ tests are geared towards middle class white American children therefore any other child taking the test would be at a disadvantage before even answering the questions. If everyone starts out on an even playing field and then points are taken away for items that cannot be mastered, then society may be working towards treating every individual equally. But this isn’t the case. When a hard working Hispanic man who has been in his employment for 20 years is denied credit or needs additional collateral when compared to a hard working white man, this type of discrimination is inexcusable because it comes from a person’s perception not from what abilities they may or may not have. Measuring discrimination (p.66 begin) – There are many ways in which society measures discrimination. For example, economics is probably the most prevalent as it is the easiest to examine and study. The chart in our text shows that median incomes vary quite a bit depending on a person’s race, ethnicity and even gender. What is particularly interesting to me, but not surprising, is that white American males do not hold the highest title any longer. This now goes to the group of Asian American men within society. Although the salaries are higher, the statistics haven’t changed much. Hispanics and Native Americans still fall on the lowest end of the economic tier. *Civil Rights Act of 1964 – â€Å"Prohibited discrimination in public accommodations such as hotels, motels, restaurants, gas stations and amusement parks. Publicly owned facilities such as parks, stadiums and swimming pools also prohibited from discriminating. Also forbade discrimination in all federally supported programs and institutions such as hospitals, colleges and road construction projects. Since then there have been numerous amendments because as times change, so does the need for the Act to change. (pg 69) Redlining – African Americans, Latinos, and other fall victim to redlining or the pattern of discrimination against people trying to buy homes in minority and racially changing neighborhoods. *Why does the text author make the distinction between income and wealth? â€Å"Income refers to salaries and wages, and wealth is a more inclusive term that encompasses all of a person’s material assets including land, stocks and other types of property,† (Schaefer pg 71). I feel the main reason for the distinction is because many individuals of specific ethnic groups cannot obtain property, sometimes even regardless of the income they make. Because of this, for some individuals, wealth may not be a possibility. *Environmental justice – Refers to the efforts to ensure that hazardous substances are controlled so that all communities receive protection regardless of race or socioeconomic circumstance. (Schaefer pg 72-73). Affirmative action – Affirmative action is the positive effort to recruit subordinate-group members, including women, for jobs, promotions, and educational opportunities. (Schaefer pg 73). It was a phrased coined by President John F. Kennedy calling all to the cause of making sure that applicants were treated properly and fairly during all stages of the interview through employment process. Reverse discrimination – is an emotional term because it conjures up the notion that somehow women and minorities will subject white men in the US to the same treatment received by minorities during the last three centuries. (Schaefer pg 76) Glass Ceiling – Refers to the barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified worker because of gender or minority membership. (Schaefer pg 78). *Be able to discuss the article on CP Ellis.. What led to his involvement in the Klan and what led to his denunciation of it? What factors led to the change? What made CP Ellis join the Klan? What made him change? Why is this relevant today? Does CP’s account support any of the theories we have read about in this section (for example, scapegoat theory on page 38 of our textbook or the contact hypothesis on page 51)? What role does the economy play in shaping intergroup relations? (You can speculate on this last one†¦) The story of CP Ellis was particularly interesting because of the evolution his life took. I think there were many reasons that guided CP Ellis into the paths he choose in life. For example, he had a rough upbringing and then when he was married and had his own children, he suffered a lot as well. It appears his life was a constant struggle to survive while he worked extremely hard to support his family. The moment that the Klan came into his life was when he was at his service station observing Klan members. They would come in talking once a week and they approached him to join the group with them. He was immediately interested because he felt his current struggles needed to be blamed on someone and who better, in his opinion, then the black people. This came natural to him because he was familiar with the Klan from his father. I feel that his attitudes began to change when he started to notice that the government was discriminating against all people, not just blacks. He started to understand what those in power were doing to every citizen and it was a real eye opener. One of the theories we discussed during this section is called scapegoat theory. â€Å"Scapegoating theory says that prejudiced people believe they are society’s victims,† (Schaefer pg 38). I can definitely see the correlation between this theory and CP Ellis’ feelings towards black people. He needed to blame someone for his troubles and the hard times he was experiencing so he selected the group of individuals that he had grown up feeling negatively against. The root meaning of scapegoating is that it is more convenient to blame another individual then to take responsibility for a person’s own short comings. Intergroup relations are how we look at ourselves and how we look at others and the way that different groups interact with each other within society. I feel that the economy plays a huge role in intergroup relations because some races and ethnic groups are not only defined by the color of their skin but also by their social class. Intergroup relations focus on the comparisons of groups based on many aspects including economic ones. Even as an outsider speculating on this subject, it is easy to see that under many circumstances, black individuals are stereotypically placed in a different economic level than many white individuals are. It is some of these types of opinions that historically have caused animosity amongst difference ethnic groups. Unit 9: Week 3 Some notes on the Social Construction of Race Notes on The One-Drop-Rule and the Social Construction of Race 2/4/2013 Eleanor LaPointe (Note that many of the ideas below were presented by you in Discussion B last week. This is a synopsis with perhaps a few additional ideas. ) The idea of race does not come from biology. It started in Europe as Europeans moved out across the world and found that they needed a way to control people as they took over their land or enslaved or exterminated them. The invention of scientific racism was one of the most effective weapons devised to conquer and subjugate. Carolus Linnaeus was a botanist in the 1700s (from Norway, I believe). He is credited with the first scientific classification of humans into groups now called races. He wanted to classify humans in the same way that clams, flowers, and insects were classified. But, he wasnt just an objective nonpartisan scientist. He classified in a particular wayone that put his group on top and all others below. The result was the beginnings of a scientifically-backed hierarchical ordering of people. It should be mentioned that even during Linnaeuss time, the ideas he put forth were highly contested. That is, not everyone agreed. In fact many disagreed, including scientists like the German physiologist Blumenbach who felt that no real differences existed between people and that any visible differences were superficial. However, Linnaeuss ideas were more successfully incorporated into popular ideologies (or mythologies) because they supported the dominate group need to justify growing inequalities at the time. That is, the idea of race allowed oppressors to define who was privileged and who was not. Since this time, how humans have been categorized has changed a lot and there is much variation from place to place. How a Race is defined at any given time depends on an arbitrary set of features chosen to suit the labelers purposes or biases or both. A good example is how U. S. laws concerning the definition of race have been used. Early on in the U. S. the question became: How to define or draw the line? This is an ongoing question. But in any case, from state to state, there was very little consistency in terms of how race would be defined. Some segregation-era artifacts include: Missouri: 1/8 or more Negro blood was the criterion. Georgia: The term white person shall include only persons of the white race, who have no ascertainable trace of either Negro, African, Western Indian, Asiatic Indian, Mongolian, Japanese or Chinese blood in their veins. Virginia: Had a similar law but with exceptions. A person could have a little Indian or African blood. Arent these old laws though Actually, some are still on the books and have been upheld as recently as 1982. Louisiana is a good example. In this state, the 1/32 law was actually created in 1971 (prior to this, a persons race classification was less formal). On September of 1982, Susie Phipps obtained her birth certificate and was surprised to find that it listed her as black. At the age of 49, she had always thought she was white! She brought the matter to court and requested it be changed, but the state/court objected after being shown an 11-generation family tree with ancestors who included an early eighteenth-century black slave and a white plantation owner. The court claimed that she was 3/32 blackenough to make her black under state law. What is interesting is that the state of Louisiana could have decided that this law was outdated law and of no use anymore, but it did not! The bottom line is that historically, as now, where black and white begins and ends depends on who is doing the defining and for what purpose. Moreover, if you are raised in the U. S. , it is nearly impossible to escape the fix that race has on how we think about ourselves and others. No matter how it is used these days, it is important to keep in mind the origins of these ideas and institutionalized practices: as a set of justifications in a hierarchical system allowing the privileged to reduce competition for valued resources. For ideas on the social construction of race in other countries, see chapter 16 in our text.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Motives for British Imperialism in Africa Essays -- Imperialism Africa

Motives for British Imperialism in Africa Before the Europeans began the New Imperialism in Africa, very little was known about the inner parts of the continent. However, after some explorers delved deeper into the heart of Africa, the Europeans soon realized how economically important this area was, and how much they could profit from it. At the time, Britain had only small occupations of land in Africa, but after they realized that they could make money from the rich resources from the inner regions of Africa, they wanted to invade the African countries and take over. This led to the scramble and ultimately, the partition of Africa. During the Age of Imperialism, from 1870-1914, Britain was a major country, which proved to be true in the â€Å"carving up† and division of Africa. Britain was one of the strongest of the European countries, and had the power to take over much of the most valuable lands with the most rich and abundant supplies of raw materials and other resources. There were five main reasons for their imperialism. They were political and military interests, humanitarian and religious goals, ideological, exploratory, and lastly, but most importantly, economic interests. As for the political reasons, Britain simply wanted to remain competitive with other countries, such as Germany and France. At the time, the British had no allies, and the other countries such as France and Germany, were getting economically more stable. By taking over Africa, and setting up colonies, they would have allies and a sense of protection. Germany and France were also some of the bigger powers in Europe, and the British feared them because they needed to keep up with the competition of their rival countries. They were pretty much forced to practice imperialism because of the growing threat of Germany and France. The British continued to be imperialists until the beginning of World War 1, in 1914, because they feared that they might lose their empire. They conquered and added on many parts of Africa, such as Egypt, South Africa, Nigeria, the Suez Canal, etc†¦ In most cases, the reasons for this was that were able to colonize these people and gain alliances with them an d also to send out the message to other countries that they were still competitive. One prime example of this, was how Britain bought the Suez Canal into their own power. Fredinand de Lesseps, a Frenc... ...e from India. That was the underlying tenet of all British imperialism. Throughout history, the British have been a nation of sailors and businessmen. With the dawn of the imperial era, money began to equal power, and the wealth of the British elevated them to the top of the world. As Sir Walter Raleigh said, "Whosoever commands the sea commands the trade; whosoever commands the trade of the world commands the riches of the world, and consequently the world itself." India was where the riches of the world came from, the jewel in the crown of the British Empire. The British needed to dispel the threat of other Europeans in Africa to maintain control of India, and they did so efficiently. They quickly gained control of both the major sea routes to India and then turned their eyes to the rest of the continent. Whether the British were trying to foster public support or prevent another nation from becoming a threat, all British actions in Africa were directly or indirectly linked to India. The British were motivated by their desire to become powerful, and they skillfully combined enterprise and conquest to create a globe spanning empire centered around the wealth of India.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Persons Responsible for Health and Safety in the Workplace Essay

The Persons Responsible for Health and Safety in the Workplace Identify the persons responsible for health and safety in the workplace. Roles are Responsibilities of Employers. Every employer should ensure, the health, safety and welfare at work of all their employees. Bellow are the areas the employer should protect the employees from, without prejudice: * To provide and maintain areas of work that are, safe and without risks to health; * To ensure, minimal risk when, handling and transporting objects; * To provide the necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure, the health and safety of their employees at work; * And to insure the place of work is maintained in a condition that is safe. Every employer needs to prepare and keep an up-to-date written statement of health and safety at work. They should also make sure all employees note the statement and, any revision of it. Roles are Responsibilities of Employees. Every employee while at work shall: * Take care for the health and safety of them self and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or actions at work; and * Co-operate with their employer or any other person in charge, to see that the requirement to be performed are meet with. Roles and Responsibilities of Management. The management’s main responsibility is to ensure the health and safety of workers and to reduce risks caused by work activities, to employees ...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Brief historical background of the book of Romans Essay

The book Romans was written probably during the mid to late fifties. Pauline authorship has been the dominating view as to the authorship of the book especially that the book of Romans reflects an exceptional theological understanding that fits to Paul’s credential as writer. First, he was highly educated receiving education no less than Israel’s greatest teacher Gamaliel during his time. Second, His understanding of the divine plan of salvation as also depicted in other Pauline epistles notably Ephesians and Galatians where he discussed about salvation and the divine action towards accomplishing that plan, appropriately fit with the mature theological thought and thorough presentation of the gospel. While there was no specific intended recipient except that it was addressed to the Romans, the letter was addressed to several congregations in Rome with the purpose of promoting Jewish and Gentile unity in the church. The main theme of the epistle was that the gospel proclaims that God acquits both Jews and Gentiles who believe in Jesus on the basis of Jesus Sacrificial death. Brief summary of the context of Romans chapter 5 Romans chapter 5 according to Henry (1985) is the climax of the first major section of the epistle. Henry puts it, â€Å"Chapter 5 of the epistle describes the actual, objective manifestation of the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ† (p. 64). Henry noted that Romans 5:12 to 21 places God’s action of reconciliation in Christ in its ultimate context, the cosmic context. It is in this context that this exegesis of Romans 5: 12 to 17 is anchored. To exegete this passage fully, it is hereby deemed necessary to write in full Romans 5: 12-17. Paul states: 12Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned—13for before the law was given, sin was in the world. But sin is not taken into account when there is no law. 14Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who was a pattern of the one to come. 15But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! 16Again, the gift of God is not like the result of the one man’s sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation. 17For if, by the trespass of the man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ (NIV). The passage was full of important and meaningful terminologies that comprise its entire interpretation. Terminologies such as sin, death, law, gift, grace, judgment, condemnation, abundant provisions, and gift of righteousness are words that have important implications not only in the book of Romans, but the entire doctrine of salvation. For instance, the theological notion of sin which the apostle Paul has raised encompassed the entire interpretation of the scripture. This is also the idea that Paul was giving emphasis especially in such terms such as gift, grace, and righteousness. Exegesis of chapter 5:12-17 Paul begins verse 12 with the conclusive word â€Å"therefore† which means that the passage was connected with earlier theological discussion beginning from chapter 1:18 in which Paul cited that God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against wicked people whose godlessness entails them to suppress the truth. Paul emphasized that despite they know all about God yet they neither recognized him nor glorify him (v. 19). Because of this utter neglect and deliberate violation of God’s will, Paul says, â€Å"they have no excuse† (2:1). Here, Paul refers to both Jews and Gentiles. In chapter 3, Paul declares that no one is righteous and categorically stated that everyone has sinned and have fallen short to the glory of God (3:23). But chapter 4 deviates from the gloom discussion of sin and its consequence. He now focused on the hope of being able to regain spiritual relations with God through faith, citing Abraham as example. Paul used the word â€Å"therefore† to connect the passage with the above context. But as mentioned earlier, this passage is full of important words and phrases that enable this connection. First of all, Paul mentioned about the entry of sin and death. Obviously referring to Adam, he said that sin and death entered the world through the trespass of the one man. It means that the whole human race was contaminated by the sin committed by Adam through which death becomes the consequence. In order to shed more light on this highly theological discussion, it is important to define sin and death from their original usage in this passage. The law of sin and death The original word used for sin in Romans chapter 5:12 was the noun Hamartia, which occurred 174 time in the New testament and Hamartias while Thanatos for death. According to James Montgomery Boice, the Greek Hamartia and Hamartias means short coming or missing the mark. But Hamartia and Hamartias are just two of several Greek words for sin. The Greek Pesha, for transgression, chata to miss the mark, shagah to go astray, and paraptoma offense, all depicts a deviation from a higher standard or from a state enjoyed originally. The context therefore which Paul has in mind about sin and death goes back to the Garden of Eden in which Adam and Eve were placed by God. Obviously, this place depicts God’s presence which suggests that Adam and Eve enjoyed a higher state of life. But they deviated from this state by deliberately ignoring God’s command and therefore breach their fellowship with God. While Genesis 1:8 describes this place as a place of sufficiency as all that Adam needs to live were there, yet they departed from the mark which God has set for them. Thus, while everything that God has created adds beauty to this place especially the four rivers and all the animals that were subject to the dominion of Adam depicts God’s concern, provision, and love for his creation, they were were supposedly strictly oblige to obey what God has commanded them. Along with these beautiful creations, was God’s solemn warning for Adam not to eat the fruit of the tree in the center of the Garden as the very time they would eat of it, they will surely die. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve have chosen to disobey God. Thus, right after Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God’s command, they were sentenced to live a difficult life as the ground by which they could get their food was cursed by God. God also pronounced the entry of death into the world when God said to Adam â€Å"by the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return† (Genesis 3:19). Along with God’s judgment, they were driven out of the garden. That means, they were cast out from the very presence of God. The issue here is that Adam and Eve lost a higher state of life they enjoyed at Eden. They enjoyed God’s abundant provisions, they enjoyed God’s presence, and they enjoyed their being a perfect creation of God. They were innocent and they must have also been a divine creation. With Adam’s fall, all these were lost. Although God still care for human being even after Adam’s fall, the state of life which they had enjoyed in the Garden was never restored. Besides, the impact of God’s pronouncement that Adam would go back to dust speaks of the physical corruption. That is, of decaying and dying to which the writer of Genesis clearly indicates the hopelessness of man’s condition. While the Bible was silent about how long did Adam and Eve were living in Eden when they committed that regretful decision, after they were driven out, the days of their lives started to be in counting. Humans offended God and justice must be served against them. It is this condition that Paul was talking. Sin corrupted the human being and because of this we are subjected to decay. Thus, sin is defined as â€Å"coming short of the glory of God† (3:23). The consequence of Adam and Eve’s sin therefore was that every human being became sinners subject to all the woes both physical and spiritual with reference to Adam as the fountain of all the woes that sin has introduced into the world. Referring to Adam, Barnes noted, â€Å"Sin entered into the world. He was the first sinner of the race. The word sin here evidently means the violation of the law of God. He was the first sinner among men, and in consequence all others became sinners. † We are subject to the consequence of sin both in the physical and the spiritual world. Earlier, genesis 3 speaks of the consequence of sin in the physical world as the difficulty of life. That is, all the miseries that the world suffers including hunger and poverty, chaos because of unrelenting wars in various part of the world, calamities such as earthquakes, typhoons’, and other manmade disasters, worries caused by economic uncertainties, and all other social problems affecting our society that are in turn affecting us individually. Sin has corrupted the hearts and mind of many people resulting to more crimes, and moral decay contributing more problems that makes life even more difficult. On top of this, death played the worst role in the lives of the human being. The Greek word for death in this passage is thanatos which means a physical death. The Greek thanato implies both the physical and spiritual death. However, the bible did not give any formal definition of the word death. Thus according to Kenneth Boa and Robert Bowman, we must infer our understanding of death from a whole range of Biblical statements pertaining to the subject. In doing so, we must be careful to distinguish idiomatic or euphemistic expressions for death, which may not be intended anything more than a person has died, from comments intending to some understanding of what that death involved . Boa and Bowman noted that the Bible often used the words â€Å"expire† â€Å"to breathe one’s last† to â€Å"depart† â€Å"to be no more† â€Å"to be gathered to one’s people or fathers† â€Å"to sleep† â€Å"to lie down with one’s fathers† â€Å"to be cut off from the land† and â€Å"to perish. † While the use of these terms for death may vary in the interpretation, yet death generally means the termination of the physical life. According to the Standard International Bible Encyclopedia, death is a consequence of sin. It stated that in contrast with a long life which has been viewed in the Old Testament as a blessing, death is seen as a disaster. This condition depicts the worse condition of the human being as aside from making life more miserable, life is now uncertain. This clearly illustrated in the following lines, Death, though come into the world through sin, is nevertheless at the same time a consequence of man’s physical and frail existence now; it could therefore be threatened as a punishment to man, because he was taken out of the ground and was made a living soul, of the earth earthy (Genesis 2:7; 1 Corinthians 15:45, 47). If he remained obedient, he would have returned to dust but have pressed forward on the spiritual development (The International Standard Biblical Encyclopedia. Against this hopeless condition, Paul states that despite the entrance of sin into the world through one man and death through sin which rendered man hopeless as he was incapable of restoring his previous relations with God, Paul now asserts in verse 15 that the God himself has taken the initiative to reach out with men. Pau states, â€Å"But the gift is not like the trespass. † The gift of grace (which shall also be discussed later) of God according to Paul was far greater than all the effects of sin. The Revised English Bible translation clearly made this striking difference between the effect of sin and the gift of grace of God. REB puts it, â€Å"God’s act of grace is out of all proportion to Adam’s wrong doing. For if the wrong doing of that one man brought death upon so many, its effect is vastly exceeded by the grace of God and the gift that came to so many by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ. † Here the effect of sin and death in the human being is clearly outweighed by the grace of God in Jesus Christ. The Law and Grace There were various kinds of law that the ancient Jews held sacred during the Old Testament times. Among them and the most important were the Torah or the ceremonial laws, and the Decalogue which given by God to Moses in Exodus 20: 1-17. While the Torah of the Old Testament presents a more complicated moral admonition that were difficult for state enforcement however, Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of theology asserts that the state is silent â€Å"about state enforcement or specifies God rather than the state as the enforcer. † Under this law enforcement, the book of Deuteronomy has various laws and regulations which require strict obedience. While the Decalogue (Greek word for the Ten Commandments) â€Å"represents minimum moral and religious requirements for those covenant relationship with God† it nevertheless demand absolute obedience. Because of this strict demand for obedience, the law has become the stumbling black for the Israelites because these laws were too much for them to obey literally and word for word. Paul say’s the law served as a mirror for sin by which the Israelite can reflect on the holiness of God. The Israelites particularly found it to heavy to obey the law, perhaps not only because the law was intended to be all encompassing, but because of their adjustment from practically secular Egyptian values or laws, they could hardly follow the divine laws. They were miserable with regards to obedience to the law. This lead Paul to conclude in Roman chapter 8, that the law was powerless because it weakened by the sinful nature of the human being. Thus, the law was unable to address the divine requirements instead; it served as the vehicle for sin to dominate mankind. It is in this context that God’s grace through Jesus Christ came into the scene to rescue every human being from the serious consequences of sin which death.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Climate of Russia essays

Climate of Russia essays Much of European Russia has warm summers and cold winters. In the polar north, summers are cool and winters are very cold. Northern Russia has temperatures regularly below those in Antarctica. Russias weather was amongst its greatest defences: Napoleon could not conquer due to ice and snow, and Hitlers troops did no better against the Soviet army of Stalin during the winters of the early 40s. The town of Oymyakon is the coldest inhabited place on earth. Its winter temperatures drop to -65C. Moscow's winter average is -12C; the summer average is 24C. Russia is in fact so cold that semiconductors are not widely used in avionics because they cease to operate at these sub-zero temperatures; instead, transistors are used. The European part, which this paper is based on, is located between 40N and 65N and 40E and 65E. ie. the boundaries are the Urals to the east, the Sea of Barents to the north, across to Finland, the Black sea to the west and the Caspian seas to the south. The European part is separated from the Asian part (Western Siberian Plains) by the Ural Mountains. Map of the Russian Federation. Note: European Russia is the shaded area west of the Urals The Russo-European Plain is separated from the Asian part of Russia by the Ural Mountains, but the central Urals are not high enough to block the flow of westerly air mass flows. Nearly half of the area lies below 200m and much of the area is situated well away from sea coasts. The countries that make up the region include Finland and the former USSR states of Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukraine, Different climates are experienced throughout Russia because it is a large country that spreads through 11 time zones 10, 000km from east to west and 4, 700km from north to south. Due to Russias vast landmass, the climatic zones are divided into two parts: the...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scene 1 Essays

Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scene 1 Essays Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scene 1 Essay Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scene 1 Essay The play is set in fair Verona in Italy where we find Romeo and Juliet, two star crossd lovers who instantly fall in love and, five days later, end up killing themselves rather than be parted. They are from feuding families and their deaths, in the end, bring the families together.The play fits into the genre of tragedy because it has a very sad ending when both Romeo and Juliet kill themselves. The action only happens over a short space of time but what does happen is shocking and many die in the events that occur. The fact that Romeo and Juliet are from feuding families, yet still fall in love, shows that fate plays an important part in this tragedy.The play seems to have a number of themes, for example love, hate, civil disorder and fate. These themes are important because they all play such an important role in the play.This scene affects the audience as there is a lot of action and this causes an uneasy feeling as we suspect that it will end in death. Up to now there hasnt been a lot of grief in the plot and this is the scene where everything turns around. This is a pivotal moment in the play because when Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo becomes so angry, and possibly feels responsible for Mercutios death, and he becomes a different person. Before Tybalt killed Mercutio, Romeo had refused to fight Tybalt as he was married to Juliet and Tybalt was now his family. This would have seemed cowardly to onlookers as he was refusing to fight, and because of this Mercutio fought for him. Once he realised Mercutio was dead he had a new found hate for Tybalt and felt that he needed to do to Tybalt what he did to Mercutio. This scene is similar to Act 1 Scene 1 as this opening violent scene shows the hatred between the two families.Shakespeare uses dramatic devices to create interest and to engage his audience. The audience know that Romeo and Juliet secretly have got married but not all the characters do. This is dramatic irony and makes the audience feel if only, for ex ample if only Romeo had told Tybalt the real reason why he wouldnt fight him, although this may have caused the same reaction, showing that fate is important as it would have happened either way.Shakespeares language is a dramatic device and he uses it to set the scene with the opening words. For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring. As the day is very hot people would usually go inside and rest because it is too hot to work. This is in the first line of the scene and Benvolio is trying to get Mercutio to go inside and sleep as he is scared that if the Capulets arrive there will be a fight. You can tell from the dialogue that Mercutio is irritable and is looking for an argument as he is quarrelling with Benvolio who is meant to be his friend. Thou art like one of those fellows when indeed there is no need. Also Mercutio is saying that Benvolio is looking for an argument but is actually in effect describing his own behaviour, Come, come, thou art as hot a Jack and as soon moody to be moved.The previous scene has been very romantic and this scene is a complete contrast to that as it involves fighting and murder, the complete opposite to love.In previous scenes there have been references to the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets, and warnings that the Prince has given about fighting. In this scene we see all of these references joining together and being put into action. The reason why Tybalt seeks Romeo is because he saw him at the Capulet party and wants revenge even thought Lord Capulet told him to leave it. Also there is a fight in the very first scene and the punishment declared by Prince is that if it happened again that it would be on pain of death. So the reference to this scene is that Mercutio and Tybalt both took part in the fight and both died. As Tybalt had murdered Mercutio Romeo murdered Tybalt. Romeo was still punished for murdering Tybalt but Prince does not take his life as he has just carried out what the law commanded.The conflict between Mercutio and Tybalt at first seems to be light hearted and comedic. It seems to the audience as though even though they are fighting nothing could go very wrong. Up until Mercutio dies the fighting is not very meaningful. Still even when Mercutio is wounded it might take the audience a moment to figure it out as he still makes plays on words to make people think he isnt badly hurt. Ay, ay, a scratch, a scratch; marry, tis enough. Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man.But the conflict between Romeo and Tybalt is quite different from with Mercutio as Romeo does not want anything to do with the fight as Tybalt is now his family. This probably would make the audience side more with Romeo in the fight as he is coming from a loving place and he only wants peace. Whereas Tybalt just wants revenge and this makes the audience feel sympathy towards Romeo especially when he has been banished.When Benvolio recounts the story of what has happened I believe he te lls an honest story and that although he is Romeos friend he is not biased. He refers to both Mercutio and Tybalt as stout (meaning brave). As Benvolio is a Montague it is obvious that Lady Capulet will disagree with him as one of her family has been killed. She is very melodramatic about the whole situation and is trying to get as much out of the situation as possible. She believes that Romeo should be killed for Tybalts death and is trying her hardest to get her way.The way this scene is set out creates and builds the tension for the pivotal moment towards the end of it. The beginning is very light hearted although there is a sense that something bad will happen. As the scene builds so does the atmosphere and the tension reaches an uncomfortable height when Mercutio dies. The repetition of the words a plague on both your houses creates an atmosphere of guilt and of anger. The scene then builds to an even higher level of tension but this feeling is slightly different from the first as before it was just a fight but it is Romeos newly entertaind revenge so therefore the feeling isnt just anger it also has a feeling of complete loathing.Overall I feel this scene leads the audience into a false sense of security at the beginning and gets to such a point that there is no turning back and that the audience know at that point that what has been predicted in the prologue will, in fact, become true. The reason why this is such a pivotal scene is because after the death of Mercutio Romeo has such a hatred for Tybalt that he is like a different person. He also may feel some guilt for Mercutios death as it would not have happened if he had not tried to prevent it from happening.Princes speech at the end interests the audience as we do not know until this point that Mercutio is actually related to Prince. He says he will be deaf to pleading and excuses. He sounds as though he is punishing everyone harder than he would normally as Tybalt has killed a member of his family so therefore everyone must take the consequences for his loss. It also seems that he is inconsolable for the death of Mercutio saying he will not listen to excuses and basically saying no-one is going unpunished.I think this is a very well written scene because so much goes on that is substantially relevant to the story. So much action and information has been crammed into one scene and the play just wouldnt function properly as a story if these events didnt take place or took place in a different way.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Discuss the mindbody problem

Discuss the mind/body problem, including variables, process, and determinism. Show you understand the positivists solution of psychophysical parallelism and how it solves the m/b problem. When dealing with the mind/body issue the concern is A) is the body directly connected to the physical (brain) events, or B) mental events are separate and through the separateness cause brain events to change their course. To understand the mind/body issue as the positivist seen it one first needs to understand what their thoughts were on the terms "variable" "process theory" and "determinism". A variable is a property that can take on more than one value. Example is gender only two values, verses, color that has many different colors. Process theory has to have relevant variables (positions velocities and masses of each planet relative to each other and the sun) items have to be consistent with each other in order to make observations. Process theory permits perfect predictions on the assumption that the theory is based on closed systems. (star and gravitational pull) Determinism is events in nature that are lawfully related. Determinism can never be proven to be true, because it uses inductive reasoning; meaning generalization is made be a limited # of observations. Until an observation can be proven false its is true. Determinism may be falsified by empirical data. You must sate your theory in such a way that if you find false observations they can be found out through observation. Because of falsifiability of science it separated itself form other system of thoughts. The way in which the mind/body problem is solved for the logical positivists is by Psychophysical parallelism. Psychophysical parallelism says two kinds of events need to occur, a) brain events and b) mental events. The when the brain is in a particular state then the mind will be in a corresponding state. ( the following is directly from the hand out) Altho...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Problem indicators of Avis Budget Group Assignment

Problem indicators of Avis Budget Group - Assignment Example The costs of operation of Avis Budget group rose by 3% as compared to set standards.   Currently, the company is planning to acquire Zipcar, Inc. Corporation. On January 2, the management announced that the company has entered into an agreement to acquire Zipcar, Inc., the world's leading car sharing network. Final transactions are expected to be completed in March or April 2013.  These acquisitions are expensive and risky to undertake. Further, the company requires additional finances to promptly and effectively integrate the businesses of Zipcar and Avis Budget Group. This has increased the costs of managing such risks and hiring professionals to effect the acquisition. Avis Budget Group participated in the introduction and assembly of the electric vehicle in the horn of Africa, and the enlightening to people about the importance of solar power than fuel power. They have rolled out a program that teaches the people of the efficiency factors in relation to climatic change and co nditions. The company has also seen the introduction of electric cars that use solar power instead of diesel or petrol (Myers 3). The company has joined hands with other companies that fight for healthier, green environment (Avis 2).   This movement requires heavy capital investment, which further shoots up costs of operation. Though costs of production are expected to increase, the company is promising to lower prices charged for transport services. If prices are lowered, income from investment activities will not cover the costs. Under normal business operations, increase in production costs is expected to be directly proportional to increase in prices. In contrast, the Avis Budget is planning to reduce charges. This may lead to the company incurring losses that may be irrecoverable in the short-run. Reduced market coverage by 4% Competition has increased consistently in the vehicle rental industry. The car renting companies are coming up every day. More investors are realizing that car rental business is a profitable business. Examples of competitors are Buick Enclaves, Chevrolet Cobalts. These investors have created unfair competition, which has negatively affected Avis Budget Group. Competition has also risen because the car rental industry is a free competitive market stucture. In order to curb this competition, Avis Budget Group will be forced to incur extra costs in advertising and other forms of promotional activities. Prevalent of stiff competition has caused the company lose some of its potential customers. Increased competition has caused this company to increase expenditures on after-sale services and enhancing the quality of its vehicles. Competition will also come from other forms of transport such as sea and air transport, which attract more customers. This will lead to reduced profits, reduced share price and increased losses (Kings 9). Therefore, competition in the vehicle re

Friday, October 18, 2019

Examine the state and geographical extent of the car carrying Essay

Examine the state and geographical extent of the car carrying industry, in terms of shipping - Essay Example Most noticeable is improved demand at the international level for automotive products that comes from this economic strength in emerging economies as citizens receive improved education and workplace opportunities. Growth in disposable income in these emerging economies have paved the way for new freight transportation channels and improved distribution of product across the world. Growth in demand of automobiles at the international level have given manufacturers improved profit margins and have changed the course and scope of logistics and supply chain in developed and emerging economies. This report describes the specific emerging markets that are changing distribution patterns in relation to ocean freight, discusses the current major exporting and importing nations and describes the operational and strategic management principles that have led to success in the car carrying industry. Due to infrastructure growth, improved manufacturing capabilities, and growth in consumer disposable income in certain developing countries, changes to patterns of global distribution have been positively impacted by growth in these emerging markets. Germany holds the top position in terms of exportation volumes, experiencing a 10.2 percent growth rate from 2007-2008 (, 2010). Followed, in ranking order, are China with a 17.3 percent increase in the same time period, the United States with a 10.7 percent increase, followed by Japan, the Netherlands, France and Italy ( Though not in a top position in terms of exportation volumes, Russia is recognised as experiencing the highest improvement in exportation volumes at a sizeable 32.8 percent increase ( Major importers, in ranking order, include the United States, China, Germany, France, Japan, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Italy and Hong Kong (, 2010). These figures reflect the importation activities of developed nations with emerging

Please answer each one with a short papragraph Assignment

Please answer each one with a short papragraph - Assignment Example From the Colleen Barrett speech, one learns that as a leader a manager should look after his or her employees. The employees’ needs and problems are also the leader’s concern. A leader should be patient and understanding towards the employees. As a leader, the best way to implement servant leadership is through empathy. The manager should learn to understand what the employee goes through and provide them with support both physically and psychologically. Dr. Clayton Christensen gave three questions, which a student should ask himself or herself while planning to start a career. First, how can a student be sure he or she will be happy with the chosen career? Second, how can one know that his or her relationship with both the spouse and family become an enduring source of joy? Finally, how can a person be sure he or she will stay out of prison? Dr. Clayton Christensen’s personal questions enable one to evaluate him or herself based on career choice, relationships and moral values. Based on careers self evaluation, the advice ensures identification of the best career, which is also satisfactory. His recommendations also assist in analysing and knowing how to deal with human relationships especially between spouses and family. The last advice rules assists in straightening moral values. An individual can implement the following recommendations by choosing a suitable career, maintaining proper relationships and having agreeable va lues. Microsoft excel is one of the many Microsoft packages that assist in data input and presentation. As a beginner, the video tutorials assist in learning more about the program. The tutorial trains users on how the format works and how to enter data into the spreadsheet. Secondly, the tutorial informs the user on how to easily add more rows and columns to a table without worrying about updating formula references and filter settings.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Critical Self-Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical Self-Reflection - Essay Example Critical thinking has helped me accept both unpleasant and pleasant events in my life with such grace and positive attitude. Whenever I was faced with a setback in life, I viewed my situation from different perspectives in order to explore all views and understand just how crucial the situation actually was. I believe that critical thinking is a skill that anyone could benefit from in his or her daily lives. Every day we are faced with decisions and choices. Without critical thinking, how would it be possible to make the right choice? Critical thinking is a skill we use or ought to use in almost every aspect of our lives without even realizing it. College has given me many opportunities to use critical thinking in many new ways, or in ways, I had never before. For example, in our interpersonal communication class we get to share a lot on our relationships and family. I did not only share my story on life with others, but got to listen and reflect on their stories. This helped in giving me a new perspective on life. We should not always be confined to our own ways and imagine that we are always right. Secondly, on numerous occasions in math class, we are given a word problem to solve. In order for one to find a solution, you are expected to figure out the best system in which to solve the question. I doubt this would be possible for me without critical thinking. It takes patience for one to critically analyze a maths problem and come up with a solution (Cottrell, 2011). In addition, in college, no one does the scheduling for you anymore. The choice is left to you. This poses the challenge of ensuring that you use the time you have as well as possible. Otherwise, a whole semester would go by so fast, and before you realize it there is so much that you still have not done. In addition, you are likely not prepared for exams by the time the end of the semester is here. With my critical thinking skills, I am able to manage and organize myself

Staffing Strategy for a New Plant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Staffing Strategy for a New Plant - Essay Example In the same way, the high population will act as a major source of labor that is essential in the production facilities of the company. One of the major advantages of Minneapolis is the advanced education system that has resulted to high number of skilled human resource. For example, University of Minnesota, one of the major higher institutions of learning in the region produces high number of graduates that will play a major role of providing key staff including the plant manager, product designers, assemblers and warehouse workers. Based on the high initial capital of establishing the new plant, Household Consumer Enterprises should ensure that the plant manager come from inside the current managerial ranks. In this way, the company will not incur high costs in terms of the high salaries that an external manager will demand. In the same way, since the company aims at producing closely related products, an internal manager has adequate knowhow on the challenges faced by the products in the market. In this regard, an internal manager will adequately drive the new plant towards attaining its initial goals as soon as he gets into the office. During the hiring process, staffing should be based on both the person/job match and person/organisation match. In reference to the person/job match, the company will look for potential employees who have adequate knowledge especially to deal with the production and designing of the household products produced by the company. As a result of hiring skilled employees, the level of motivation among the workers will be increased leading to a higher productivity. In the same way, Household Consumer Enterprises should ensure that a person-organisation match is maintained during the hiring process. In addition to flexible benefits and sustainable salaries, Carless (2005) notes that employees are attracted to the firms that offer ideas of authority, leadership and social relationships. In this regard, it is vital for

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Critical Self-Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical Self-Reflection - Essay Example Critical thinking has helped me accept both unpleasant and pleasant events in my life with such grace and positive attitude. Whenever I was faced with a setback in life, I viewed my situation from different perspectives in order to explore all views and understand just how crucial the situation actually was. I believe that critical thinking is a skill that anyone could benefit from in his or her daily lives. Every day we are faced with decisions and choices. Without critical thinking, how would it be possible to make the right choice? Critical thinking is a skill we use or ought to use in almost every aspect of our lives without even realizing it. College has given me many opportunities to use critical thinking in many new ways, or in ways, I had never before. For example, in our interpersonal communication class we get to share a lot on our relationships and family. I did not only share my story on life with others, but got to listen and reflect on their stories. This helped in giving me a new perspective on life. We should not always be confined to our own ways and imagine that we are always right. Secondly, on numerous occasions in math class, we are given a word problem to solve. In order for one to find a solution, you are expected to figure out the best system in which to solve the question. I doubt this would be possible for me without critical thinking. It takes patience for one to critically analyze a maths problem and come up with a solution (Cottrell, 2011). In addition, in college, no one does the scheduling for you anymore. The choice is left to you. This poses the challenge of ensuring that you use the time you have as well as possible. Otherwise, a whole semester would go by so fast, and before you realize it there is so much that you still have not done. In addition, you are likely not prepared for exams by the time the end of the semester is here. With my critical thinking skills, I am able to manage and organize myself

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Selfie and Self-portrait Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Selfie and Self-portrait - Research Paper Example They can also fail to present the person facing down with no focus, which can distort the image. Self-portraits include reason and thought during the composition of the image or photo (McHugh n.p). It is significant to note that self- portrait is another way of looking at me and reflecting on my personal life while a selfie is not looking at me because in most cases people gaze empty. When a person takes a selfie, the eyes look bigger and shiny because of the closeness to the camera but self-portrait the artist produce every part of the image in accordance with the way it appears. While taking a selfie, the gestures imply that look at me I am taking a selfie or a photo of me or I am here. It tries to capture the attention of other people. On contrary, Self-portrait tries to reveal certain messages or information about the image. For instance, the artist draws the image with an intention to pass a message to the people (Jim 17). The common similarity between a selfie and a self-portrait is that people analyze and assess themselves. In addition, in selfie people retouch and change themselves or transform their images to represent the current emotional state while artists or painters do their self-portrait because there is no one around to practice human anatomy and once their work is complete, they do not have a chance to retouch and change it.  

Endometrial Cance Essay Example for Free

Endometrial Cance Essay This cancer mainly has the supported information of how it happens, where it happens in the body, how can it be treated, and who to turn to when one needs help. Endometrial cancer is found in the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus. The endometrium is found in a woman’s pelvic area and is where a fetus grows until birth. Endometrial cancer occurs when cells of the endometrium begin to grow and multiply without the control mechanisms that normally limit their growth. As the cells grow, they form a tumor. (Endometrial Cancer PubMed Health. , 2012) The exact cause of endometrial cancer is unknown, but there are many risk factors that lead to what causes it to grow rapidly, killing off thousands of women each year. Endometrial cancer is usually found in women in between the ages of 50 and 60. Women, who are obese, fifty pounds over their ideal weight, are ten times greater at risk than women that are not obese. Body fat produces estrogen and the higher level of estrogen are believed to increase the risk of cancer. This is believed because women with excess fat have higher levels of estrogen. Women that have not been pregnant are at three times higher risk. Women who have their periods before the age of twelve are at an increased risk because early puberty increases the number of years that the endometrium is exposed to higher levels of estrogens. (Endometrial Cancer PubMed Health. , 2012). A woman who goes through menopause after the age of fifty-two, which is called late menopause, actually increases the number of years that the endometrium is exposed to estrogen. To all cancers there are symptoms that may be long term or short term. In endometrial cancer, the most common symptoms are abnormal bleeding from the vagina. (Cervical Cancer, 2013). Abnormal bleeding happens during menopause, which makes it harder to determine if something is wrong. During menopause, the menstrual period should become shorter, and the frequency should become farther apart. If there were to be any uncommon bleeding, it should be reported to a physician. Pelvic pain, swelling or lumps in the pelvic area, and weight loss are symptoms that are less common and would indicate advanced cancer. The staging system that is used for endometrial cancer was developed by the international Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Staging is used to classify the cancer based on how extent the disease is. In endometrial cancer, staging is mostly based on how far the main tumor has spread. There are four stages as follows: Stage I: The tumor is limited to the upper part of the uterus and has not spread to the surrounding lymph nodes or other organs. Stage IA: Tumor limited to the endometrium or less than one half of the myometrium. Stage IB: Invasion equal to or more than one half the myometrium (middle layer of the uterine wall) Stage II: Invasion of the cervical stroma but does not extend beyond the uterus (strong supportive connective tissues of the cervix) Stage IIIA: Invasion of the serosa (outermost layer of the myometrium) and/or the adnexa (the ovaries or fallopian tubes) Stage IIIB: Invasion of the vagina and/or parametrical involvement Stage IIIC1: Cancer has spread to the pelvic lymph nodes but not to distant organs Stage IIIC2: Cancer has spread to the par aortic lymph nodes with or without positive pelvic lymph nodes but not too distant organs Stage IV: The cancer has spread to the inside of the bladder or the rectum and/or to the inguinal lymph nodes and/or to the bones or distant organs outside the pelvis, such as the lungs. Stage IVA: Tumor invasion of the bladder, the bowel mucosa, or both Stage IVB: Metastasis to distant organs, including intra-abdominal metastasis, and/or inguinal lymph nodes (Endometrial Cancer PubMed Health. , 2012). There are treatments for endometrial cancer, but it depends on the stage of the cancer. There is an initial surgery that has to be done, which involves removing the entire uterus and cervix, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. After this surgery is done staging is determined. After the staging is determined, only then will there be a treatment by a physician. Surgery is the main form of treatment for endometrial cancer, but there are other options. There is radiation therapy, but this is used for stages two, three, and four. It is given to kill any cancer cells remaining in the body. Chemotherapy is another option and drugs are used to kill cancer cells. The advantage of this option is that the chemicals can attack cancer cells anywhere in the body. The disadvantage of this option is that the side effects include nausea, hair loss, fatigue, anemia, infections, and damage to organs like the kidneys. This therapy is mainly used for advanced endometrial cancer. (Endometrial Cancer PubMed Health. , 2012). The last option would be hormone therapy, which uses hormones to fight cancer cells. This is only used in advanced and metastatic endometrial cancer. If endometrial cancer is determined, there should be foods in the individual’s diet to avoid. Many w omen with this condition can improve their symptoms by just controlling their diet. When this diet is created, the main goal is to eliminate foods that increase stimulated estrogen, prostaglandins. There are ten foods to avoid following an endometriosis diet. The first food to avoid is sugar. Sugar can produce an acidic environment within the body, which produces more pain of endometriosis. Wheat should be avoided because it contains phytic acid, which aggravates symptoms. Soy products contain phytic acid and irritate the digestive system and reduce mineral absorption. Caffeine increase estrogen levels and estrogen triggers endometriosis flare ups. When you consume more than two cups of coffee a day, estrogen levels are caused to rise. Alcohol should be avoided because vitamin B from the liver is being destroyed. The liver is needed to clear out the excess estrogen to control the cancer. Dairy products, mostly milk and cheese, should be avoided because they aggravate the symptoms also. Red meat contains growth hormones that include estrogen, so this should also be avoided. Saturated fats and oils are high in fatty acids that stimulate production of hormone levels. Foods like butter, margarine, lard, organ meats, and fried foods are high in saturated fats and oils. Another group of food that should be avoided is refined carbohydrates. This includes white bread, pasta, flour, pastry, cakes, etc. These should be avoided because most of their natural nutrients are removed, which leads to increase endometriosis symptoms. The last groups of food that should be avoided are additives and preservatives. This includes processed, frozen, and pre-packaged foods. (Nutrition Facts, 2012) There are not many alternatives for this type of cancer. This is said because there is strictly surgery that has to be done before anything else can happen. This surgery then leads to the treatment for the individual that has the cancer. (Endometrial Cancer PubMed Health. , 2012) In every cancer, you have a statically breakdown of how many people have survived or died from a certain type of cancer. My statically breakdown is involved mostly with women, because no man can get the cancer. Endometrial cancer is usually diagnosed at an early stage. â€Å"The one year survival rate is about 92%. The five year survival rate for this cancer that has not spread is 95%. If the cancer has spread to distant organs, the five year survival rate drops to 23%. Survival rates for African American women are 10% lower than that of white females for every stage† (ncbi. nlm. nih. gov). In conclusion, most women who have endometrial cancer are cured. There are many women who die from the emotional part of obtaining the cancer. Many women would feel anxious and depressed. There are many support and counseling groups that are concerned with the individual’s feelings. Friends and family members should be very supportive and the individual that has obtained the cancer should not be hesitant to bring the topic up to close friends or family. It is amazing how many people are helped through their cancer by just talking out the worries or concerns they may have. My opinion about endometrial cancer is that it should not be taken as a joke. This is something serious that affects 200,000 women each year from their day to day life. I never knew this cancer existed until I conducted research for an original cancer. This cancer is something that will affect many people in the future if prevention actions are not taken. References Endometrial Cancer PubMed Health. Web. 07 Jan. 2012. lt;http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmedhealth/pmh0001908/gt;. Endometrial Cancer Staging EMedicineHealth: Symptoms, Prognosis, Treatment and Risk Factors by. Endometrial Cancer. Web. 07 Jan. 2012. lt;http://www. emedicinehealth. com/endometrial_cancer/article_em. htmgt;. Endometrial Cancer Treatment after Surgery. UpToDate Inc. Web. 07 Jan. 2012. lt;http://www. uptodate. com/contents/patient-information-endometrial-cancer-treatment-after-surgerygt;. Endometriosis Diet Foods to Avoid | Relieve Endometriosis. Endometriosis Explained | Relieve Endometriosis. Web. 07 Jan. 2012. lt;http://relieveendometriosis. com/foods-to-avoid-on-an-endometriosis-diet/gt;. amp;middot;, Media Flow. Endometriosis. Alternative Surgery. Web. 07 Jan. 2012. lt;http://www. alternativesurgery. com/education/endometriosis/gt;. â€Å"Self Nutrition Data† Know what you eat. Web. 21 March. 2012. lt;http://nutritiondata. self. com/gt;

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Idea Of The Movement Magic Realism Film Studies Essay

The Idea Of The Movement Magic Realism Film Studies Essay Magic Realism is a literary movement. It is associated with a style of writing or a technique that incorporates magical or supernatural (fantasy) events into a realistic event without questioning the unlikelihood of these events taking place together. Magic Realism is best described as literature and art combined. This combination of fantasy and fact is there to question the nature of reality. Magic realism made lived experiences appear extraordinary. By creating this feeling, the magical realist writers have all contributed to a re-envisioning of the Latin American culture as a vibrant and complex one. Magic Realism is a movement that has been misunderstood for many years by many people. It still remains a vague term today though. A large part of the problem of this movement being misunderstood is related to applying the term, Magic Realism, to different art forms and in different periods. Magic realism is applied to two main movements, art and literature, and has recently been applied to works in cinema. The term Magic Realism was applied to paintings from the early 1920s through to the end of the 1950s. Magic Realism is realism that incorporates mysterious or fantastic elements but it still portrays everyday life. The time period of the 1960s was when Magic Realism was applied to literature. At first Magic Realism was only used in reference to works of Latin American writers, such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Miguel Angel Asturias, Isabel Allende and Jorge Luis Borges. The usage of Magic Realism has recently been expanded to include works of different origins and works of earlier periods. These include those of Ernst Juenger, Mikhail Bulgakov and Salman Rushie. Most of this literature features considerable amounts of fantasy therefore it is a different type of Magic Realism to the one that had been established in art in the 1920s. Recently some writers of this movement have expanded Magic Realism to apply to Motion Pictures. Examples of these works are films like American Beauty, Big Fish, Chocolat, The Red Violin, and Whale Rider. It is a lot easier in cinema to develop the difficult and complicated combination of realism and fantasy that together makes up the foundation of effective Magic Realism. Magic realism is starting to develop an interest today that it had never commanded during the movements first half of the 20th century. Different sets of standards are used today to define Magic Realism in literature; this is causing confusion about what criteria is applied to contemporary work. The counter movement to Magic Realism came to be known as the Return to Order or the Call of Order. The default approach of Magic Realism is to focus on the coexistence of the real and fantasy on equal terms. The power of Magic Realism has often been assumed to lie to the viewer in the way that the differences between these incompatible elements are erased/not shown. One should always remember that Magic Realism cannot be seen as Science Fiction. Magic Realism is everyday life and it is all around us, all the time. Magic realism has changed the way that people think. Magic Realism brings a spark of life to the imagination instead of people seeing the boring and ordinary, and this then in turn brings excitement to the minds of the reader or the viewer. Magic realism has touched on almost every facet of life, from art to television. There is not one thing that is missing Magic Realism within it. If a viewer can look at an art work and see that there is more than just a picture of an inanimate object in the art work then they have finally grasped the concept of, and are able to appreciate Magic Realism. Some sub topics of Magic Realism are those of literature, fashion, advertising and cinema. Magic Realism is NOT Science Fiction, but, Fantasy and science fiction are alike in the sense that both require the creation of a completely new world. When it comes to advertising, fantasy is great for entertainment but fantasy is not however always so great when it comes to trying to sell a product or service. When it comes to selling a product, there needs to be an element that hooks us to reality. It helps for advertising when a detail is added that can easily be imagined by the listener, viewer or reader. Magic Realism works in advertising for exciting the imagination of the viewer, listener or reader, but there should be an attachment or hook to reality to keep things realistic. Magic Realism is all about fantasy meeting reality. When it comes to racial and gender ideologies, one does not have to worry about any of these ideologies within Magic Realism. Magic realism is about fantasy, there is not discrimination or rights or wrongs. There are no gender or racial ideologies used in any form or sub topic of magic realism. Women and men are equal in these works and all races are equal. Magic realism has no race and no gender; it is about fantasy meeting reality. Magic Realism creates the perfect fantasy world that we would all love to live in. Magic Realism is the key to the decline of racial and gender ideologies. Through the combination of fantasy events with realism it allows for the study of alternate perceptions of the world, offering different views of history and identity, and also giving voice to cultural minorities. People view the world differently; they see a fantasy that has been made up. Magic realism allows people to express what they really feel and what they imagine a world to be like.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Weve Only Just Begun: Translating Third Wave Theory Into Third Wave Activism :: Free Essays Online

We've Only Just Begun: Translating Third Wave Theory Into Third Wave Activism After graduating from college in 1999 with a degree in Women's and Gender Studies, I was looking forward to beginning my new job as an abortion counselor at the local Planned Parenthood clinic. I envisioned working in a strong feminist community committed to a women's right to control her reproduction. On my first day I was ordered to prepare the doctor's scrubs and get his coffee while I observed him chastise women during the procedure for not using birth control. I was angry for having to accept and accommodate this man because he was the only doctor we could get to perform abortions (and according to Roe v. Wade, as I learned, abortions could only be done by doctors). I had studied reproductive rights and was excited and inspired by my Second Wave feminist professors' praises of Roe v. Wade and women's health clinics, but my present reality was not living up to their romantic historical vision. I had also studied Second Wave feminist theories of power, economics, and sexuality and it was this knowledge that allowed me to understand that my so-called glamorous feminist work at Planned Parenthood was not, in fact, expressing feminist principles. I cultivated a desire to use these personal experiences break the silence in the feminist community about these discrepancies and challenge the impervious reputation of Roe v. Wade and abortion providers. I sought to involve myself in organizations working to allow midwives to perform abortions, which would give women more options when it came to choosing a provider. That was also when I came to understand and be a part of third wave feminism. Feminism's first wave is usually seen as having begun with the Seneca Falls Convention of 1948 and ending with securing the right to vote in 1920 and the second wave categorizes the resurgence of women's activism beginning in the late 1960s and ending (or at least ebbing) with the defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment and the Reagan-Bush era. Third wave feminism purports to encompass the young women born in the 1960s and 70s who feel their personal experience of their history set them apart from older women. Barbara Findlen in the introduction to Listen Up: Voices from the Next Generation of Feminism states, "I strongly believe that the experiences that led me to identify as a feminist were significantly different from those that inspired the previous generation" (xi).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The IMF and Emerging Markets Essay -- Investment Banking, Foreign Debt

In a staff paper published by the International Monetary Fund (Baig & Goldfajn, 1999), the vital question ‘was it [Asian Contagion] fundamentals driven, or was it a case of irrational, herd mentality displayed by panic-stricken investors?’ was posed. The answer to which concerned the correlation between the involved countries fundamental figures, such as its current deficit account, and investor’s reactions and how the relationship evolved over time after the initial causes of the crisis became apparent. Both the IMF report and Krugman indentified numerous cures and preventative measures highlighting exchange rate policy, financial regulation, hot money and investor expectations as key areas for consideration. (Baig & Goldfajn, 1999) Inter-temporal trade, current account deficit, original sin and exchange rate Krugman (2011) identifies developing countries as prime investment targets due to their high development potential. For Thailand and Brazil this presented the opportunity of inter-temporal trade advantages, where the developing countries offer high return on investment but lack the finance available to expand due to low national savings, and developed countries have the capital but lack the domestic opportunity, making it quite natural for such countries to run current account deficits and borrow from richer countries. A staff paper from the IMF stated this is what made Thailand & Brazil ‘victims of their own success’. (Aghevli, 1999) Unfortunately, due to the high risk of emerging countries currencies being devalued or inflated lenders stipulate repayment to be in their own currency shifting the risk onto the weaker economy. This presented them with the problem of original sin and made it difficult to honour repaymen... ...s: New York. Yagci, Fahettin. (2001) ‘choice of exchange rate regimes for developing countries’. [pdf] The World Bank: Working paper series No. 16. Available at: [Accessed 26/01/2012] BIBLIOGRAPHY Craig Burnside, Martin Eichenbaum, and Sergio Rebelo (2008), 'Currency crisis models', New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd edition. Crocket, A. (1994) â€Å"Monetary Implications of Increased Capital Flows†. In Changing Capital Markets: Implications for Policy, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas Krugman, P. & Maurice O. (2004) ‘International Economics Theory and Policy’. 6th edition. Delhi, India: Pearson Education Stiglitz, J. (1996). ‘Some Lessons from the East Asian Miracle’. The World Bank Research Observer. Tiwari, R. (2003). ‘Post-crisis Exchange Rate Regimes in Southeast Asia’. Seminar Paper, University of Hamburg.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Baseball and Softball

Compare and Contrast Baseball and softball are similar in many ways but at the same time they are very different. To begin with, they are both played on a ball field, known to most baseball or softball players as the ballpark. The ball field for both consist of four bases that form a square, also known as a diamond. On a baseball field the bases are ninety feet apart, compared to sixty or sixty-five feet on a softball diamond. Both are played with a bat and ball; however, the bats, same in shape but not in ize, and balls, different in sizes and some times color, are as much alike as not. The bats for baseball are made out of a solid piece of wood for major league players and softball bats are made mostly of aluminum or a composite material, carbon fiber. Both are made with a narrow end, grip end, and taper up into a two and a half inch diameter barrel, hitting end, for baseball, and only two and a quarter inch diameter in softball. A base ball is about the size of an adult fist, nine inches in circumference and is hrown hard, pitched, by the pitcher in pretty much a straight line up to eighty to ninety miles an hour to a batter that is trying to hit the ball in play. A softball is about the size of a grapefruit, twelve inches in circumference and is pitched in an arcing angle and much slower. Both are made with a rubber or cork center, wound in yarn and covered with a cowhide with red stitching, but the leather on a baseball is always white where a softball usually is yellow but can be white too. They are played with the same objective of scoring the most runs by hitting a ball thrown by a player on the fielding team, the pitcher, to players on the opposing team, batting team, taking turns trying to hit the ball with a bat and get themselves all the way Josh Girt Page 2 Eng. 085 around the bases to home plate to score runs before getting out three times which can be ccomplished in many ways that are the same in both games. There is a given amount of innings which is a total of nine innings for baseball, and softball is only played for seven innings. Teams switch between bating and fielding after the fielding team makes three outs; furthermore, one at bat by each team constitutes an inning. As you can tell that these games, sports, are similar in lots of ways and at the same time are very different.